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KuvausConcavo 3.svg
English: Concave mirror. Object between the curvature's centre and the focus. The image produced by the mirror reflection is shown as well as the path of some rays.
Italiano: Specchio concavo. L'oggetto si trova tra il centro di curvatura e il fuoco. Viene mostrata l'immagine riflessa dallo specchio e il percorso di alcuni raggi.
self-made. This image was made as a substitute of Image:Concavo 3.png , hence the inspiration for the layout was taken from that image, but the svg code was completely made by myself. The image Concavo 3.png I looked at was the version of 01:27, 27 November 2004 made and uploaded by user Marcelo Reis. Imagines like that are very common on physics books and so they layout can not be considered original.
This version has the reflected image very close to the curvature's centre. It may be advisable that the image is recreated in a way that the reflected image is farer from the curvature's centre. (in this case it it suggested that the source image is reduce in height)
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== Summary == {{Information |Description={{en|Concave mirror. Object between the curvature's centre and the focus. The image produced by the mirror reflection is shown as well as the path of some rays.}} {{it|Specchio concavo. L'oggetto si trova tra il ce